The #1 Thing You Can Be Doing to Make Your Intervention Less Stressful - Working Systematically

We need to be teaching students in a systematic and structured literacy approach. Working systematically will get your students better results and allow you to deliver instruction in a less stressful but more effective way.

We’ve all been there.

Planning for our students had us stressed. It left us burnt out and tired. It was nothing short of exhausting, and on top of that, our students weren’t connecting with it. They weren’t growing in a way we would expect knowing how much work we were putting into it.

…maybe you’re here now.

It can be disheartening to put in extra hours (getting in early and leaving late) and do so much extra work to prep for your lessons and not see the student growth you had hoped for. It’s not your fault. We are here to share what we realized was holding us back from getting results in the hopes that it can help you too.

We were teaching incidentally.

We were going through our lessons, trying to teach as concepts popped up. This made planning a nightmare because we never knew what would come up.

This made learning hard for our students because their brains aren’t built to learn concepts in a scattered manner.

Our brains are built to learn things in a systematic progression.

We use the Jenga Tower to represent a student’s knowledge. If the foundation is solid, the tower will stand tall and strong. If the bottom is shaky and there are a lot of holes, the tower will wobble. We need to be teaching in a structured and syste…

We have to start with the most basic concepts and build upward so that our students have a foundation to build upon.

Think of a Jenga Tower.

If the foundation is solid, meaning all of the blocks on the bottom are tight and in place, it makes it easier to build and stand steady. If the blocks on the bottom are sparse and there are blocks sticking out every which way, the tower will be shaky, if it can stand at all.

Our students’ knowledge and skills are the same way. We have to start at the bottom and build upward. Otherwise, they will struggle to hold onto more advanced skills and recognize how they fit into the bigger picture.

Research tells us that students need us to teach with a systematic and structured approach. They need us to start with the most basic concepts (across all 5-Core Components of Literacy) and make sure their foundation is solid before we task them with more challenging items.

So how do we start teaching systematically instead of incidentally?

We always recommend starting with a scope and sequence. This way, you can order your lessons in a progression that makes sense and allows you to build that foundation for your students and build up.

>>>You can find our scope and sequence in our free workshop, here <<<

By ordering your lessons in a specific way, not only does it help your student’s learning process, but it also makes planning SO MUCH EASIER for you. Gone are the days when we rely on things “popping up” in our lessons. Instead, with a scope and sequence in place, we can pre-planned lessons that we can implement with ease.

To learn more about how you can make your intervention less stressful AND more effective, check out our free training, How to Create Systematic, SOR-Aligned Lesson Plans! This workshop will help you determine what actually needs to be included in a Science of Reading-based lesson, how to build a lesson plan based on the Science of Reading, and how to optimize your lesson plans. Plus, we’ll share our lesson planning guides!


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