How to Make Online Learning Engaging - Intervention Tip of the Week

Games are a great way to keep students engaged in online lessons.  Keep reading to grab a FREE version of our favorite online interactive game!

Hey there!

How are you all managing in the new day and age of all-digital teaching? It’s a little crazy, exhilarating at times, and frustrating at times. We are experiencing all the emotions over here. That being said, now that we’ve been at this a few weeks we feel like we’re settling into the new normal.

For our intervention tip of the week, we wanted to make sure to bring you all something really valuable and actionable because we know how hard this can be right now to figure out how to keep your students engaged! In our small group and 1:1 sessions - we’re trying to leverage interactive games as much as possible.

How to Make Online Learning Engaging

If you have been following us for a while, you may have heard us talk about how to create online interactive games using tools like PowerPoint. The reality, however, may be, that you don’t have TIME to create games from scratch. So today we’re going to share with you one of our favorite online interactive games. To make this interactive, you need to be on a computer - not a tablet device, and ideally, you’re using a program like Zoom that allows students to have screen control so they can move pieces with you. But…that being said, even if you need to roll a die, or spin a spinner for your students and move their game pieces - most of them are just excited to play with you.

Check out this week’s intervention tip of the week and >>>grab this fun interactive game!<<<

If you like this game and are looking for more information on how to make your online (or in-person) lessons even MORE effective, check out our free workshop, How to Create Systematic, SOR-Aligned Lesson Plans. This workshop will help you determine what actually needs to be included in a Science of Reading-based lesson, how to build a lesson plan based on the Science of Reading, and how to optimize your lesson plans. Plus, we’ll share our lesson planning guides!


Online Intervention Games - Syllable Type Sort


Teaching Reading Online