Systematic Review in Online Sessions

We love using games in our online intervention session to make sure we are offering systematic review to our students. Grab our free digital interavtive game below!

Hey there,

How are online sessions going? We are currently wrapping up week four of seeing students exclusively online. We miss being able to see them in person but luckily they are adapting to online sessions well!

Today we wanted to talk about systematic review in online lessons.

During our sessions, we always review previously instructed concepts. Each week we do a sound drill and auditory drill which hit on previously instructed phonograms, we work through review decoding and we complete a review spelling activity. We are also mindful of errors made in reading fluency, comprehension, and in writing. When we notice a skill needs additional review, we will target that skill in upcoming lessons. One of our favorite ways to do this is by playing games.

In online sessions, it is even more essential to review previously learned concepts in case any of the skills weren’t completely cemented. Week to week, we continue to track errors and look for error patterns. If specific skills need to be worked on, we note them and include them in upcoming lessons.

To help you with your systematic review, we wanted to give you one of our newly adapted “online games!” Grab it >>here<< and watch the video below to see how we play it!

For more tips, tricks, and strategies regarding reading intervention lessons, check out our FREE course - How to Create Systematic, SOR-Aligned Lesson Plans. This workshop will help you determine what actually needs to be included in a Science of Reading-based lesson, how to build a lesson plan based on the Science of Reading, and how to optimize your lesson plans. Plus, we’ll share our lesson planning guides!


How to Teach Kindergarten Reading Lessons Online (in a way that aligns with the Science of Reading)


Online Intervention Games - Syllable Type Sort