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Parents, IEP/504 Plan Corey Pollard Parents, IEP/504 Plan Corey Pollard

Two Types of School Based Student Support - IEPs vs 504 Plans

As you know, we are obsessed with helping students reach their highest potential. In order to do this you must follow the ASSESS -> DESIGN -> IMPLEMENT framework. First, we must assess students with a combination of formal and informal assessment measures. Then we must design an appropriate plan and finally, we must implement the plan at the highest level.

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Parents, Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard Parents, Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard

My Child Has Had all This Testing - I Still Don't Know What it Means!

First, I want to start by saying this is NOT your fault. So often parents come to us feeling frustrated or upset that they just don't understand all the testing and data that has been provided. This isn't because of you - it's not your wheelhouse, and that is ABSOLUTELY, 100% okay.

There are so many tests that tell us so many different things and it can be so hard to interpret all of it.

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Parents, Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard Parents, Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard

What's the Deal with All This School Testing?

So often parents ask us the purpose of all the testing that is going on at school. It may seem like the academic calendar is based around preparing for the tests and then preparing for the results of the tests to come in, and just anxiety all around for students and teachers. So we wanted to take a moment to talk about the different types of testing that may be going on and the purpose of each different type of testing.

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