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Reading Fluency Mikayla Storey Reading Fluency Mikayla Storey

Should We Be Using Decodable or Non-controlled Texts For Our Fluency and Comprehension Instruction?

When we think about reading instruction, there are a few different style texts that we can use to support fluency and comprehension. Often, we hear about things like decodable texts, predictable readers, controlled vocabulary readers, language experience stories, authentic literature, and noncontrolled texts.

With so many different styles, it can be challenging to know which to use when. There are champions for many different styles and you may have heard pros and cons for one style versus another. Today, we are going to take a look at two of the styles we hear about most often - decodable vs. non-controlled text.

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Reading Fluency Mikayla Storey Reading Fluency Mikayla Storey

How to Build Fluency & Comprehension at the Passage Level

When working with students, our end goal is always that they can functionally read and write. A big part of this is the ability to read at the passage level and derive meaning from the text.

Luckily - building fluency and comprehension at the passage level doesn’t have to be hard. Keep reading to learn how you can incorporate this instruction into your reading lessons!

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Reading Fluency Mikayla Storey Reading Fluency Mikayla Storey

How to Build Fluency & Comprehension with Sentence Reading

There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to reading fluency and comprehension, including the fact that it is difficult to support, means that students need to be reading faster, and is reserved for when they can read at the passage level. Today - we are breaking down these misconceptions and discussing how you can use sentence-reading to help build your students’ fluency & comprehension skills!

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