Lesson Planning for Early Readers - Intervention Tip of the Week

One of the most important things you can do for your students is to make sure to have a solid outline for what you will be covering and the order in which you will be covering these patterns. Keep reading to learn more about how we do this and grab …

Today we wanted to share with you

How we lesson plan for our early readers!

One of the most important things you can do for your students is to make sure to have a solid outline for what you will be covering and the order in which you will be covering these patterns.

This ensures that they are getting ALL the skills they need and that they can get used to the lesson format and structure - goodbye negative behaviors!

The great thing for you is that once you have a solid outline, it makes your prep time drop significantly because you’re not trying to pull together new ideas every time you need to see your students. It’s rinse and repeat!

Check out this week’s video below and grab a lesson sample using the lesson we previewed >>>here!<<<

For even more information about effective structured literacy intervention, we wanted to share with you our workshop: How to Create Systematic, SOR-Aligned Lesson Plans. This workshop will help you determine what actually needs to be included in a Science of Reading-based lesson, how to build a lesson plan based on the Science of Reading, and how to optimize your lesson plans. Plus, we’ll share our lesson planning guides!


Teaching Reading Online


How to Plan Your Literacy Intervention Lessons - Intervention Tip of the Week