Science-based literacy resources and articles

for families, educators and schools

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Research Corey Pollard Research Corey Pollard

What is Structured Literacy?

Discover the power of Structured Literacy! Unveil a systematic, multi-sensory, and cumulative approach to literacy instruction. Learn how to build a structured literacy program, addressing the core components of phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Elevate your teaching with intentional, thought-out progressions for lasting impact!

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IEP/504 Plan Corey Pollard IEP/504 Plan Corey Pollard

Structured Literacy Goal Bank & Data Tracking System

Writing effective literacy goals and tracking your students progress towards them can feel overwhelming. We are here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be hard! Writing effective goals and tracking data can actually be really easy with the right tools in place. Jump in and grab your FREE data tracking system and literacy goal bank inside!

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Differentiation Corey Pollard Differentiation Corey Pollard

#1 Tip to Making Huge Student Growth in Literacy

One of the best ways we can skyrocket student success in literacy is by setting the intention to do so. So obviously, if we want students to improve their literacy ability we need to recognize that they need to improve their literacy ability...

After that, the #1 thing you can do to improve a student's literacy ability is to set specific and measurable goals.

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Executive Functioning, Helping My Child At Home Ascend SMARTER Intervention Executive Functioning, Helping My Child At Home Ascend SMARTER Intervention

3 Easy Steps to Make This School Year the Best One Yet

It's that time of year again! Time to go back to school! For some of your kids, this might be an exciting time. They are excited about new teachers and school supplies, and can't wait to see their friends again. 

For other kids, this may seem like the worst time of year. They might be anxious about the amount of work they will have this year, or having a new teacher. 

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Games & Activities, Differentiation Ascend SMARTER Intervention Games & Activities, Differentiation Ascend SMARTER Intervention

Using an Anchor to Help Your Students Cement What They Are Learning

If you have been keeping up with our blogs, you will know that all this month we are talking about ways we can help cement strategies for our students who just aren't getting it.  If you are new to our blog, welcome! You can catch up on our last two posts here: 3 Ways to Generalize Skills Learned in Isolation and Is it Just My Kids, Or...

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Spelling Guest User Spelling Guest User

How to Support Spelling - Scoop Spelling Strategy

We are so excited to share this resource with you today! Scoop Spelling changed my life! This strategy brought such relief to my students who struggled to spell multi-syllable words correctly and instantly boosted their confidence! This strategy is so simple to use!

First, make sure that your students are solid on syllabication; what syllables are and how to count them. This knowledge is the key to Scoop Spelling. If a student knows or can hear how a word breaks apart into syllables, then they can Scoop Spell!

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Lesson Planning Ascend SMARTER Intervention Lesson Planning Ascend SMARTER Intervention

3 Ways to Generalize Skills Learned in Isolation

This month we are going to be talking about ways to cement stragies used during intervention. The tough part about this is that typically our students are at all different levels, and so many of these strategies need to be differentiated or scaffolded based on student ability.

A lot of our families ask how we can generalize the skills their children learn in an intervention setting into the home, and even the classroom, instead of just practicing them in isolation.

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Parents, Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard Parents, Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard

My Child Has Had all This Testing - I Still Don't Know What it Means!

First, I want to start by saying this is NOT your fault. So often parents come to us feeling frustrated or upset that they just don't understand all the testing and data that has been provided. This isn't because of you - it's not your wheelhouse, and that is ABSOLUTELY, 100% okay.

There are so many tests that tell us so many different things and it can be so hard to interpret all of it.

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Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard

How to Use Language and Reading Evaluation Data to Provide Better Instruction

Discover how to interpret and act on standardized assessment data to enhance literacy intervention. Learn to pinpoint language-based and reading-based weaknesses through assessments and tailor interventions accordingly. Strengthen vocabulary, language comprehension, syntax, decoding, fluency, and comprehension skills with targeted activities.

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Parents, Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard Parents, Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard

What's the Deal with All This School Testing?

So often parents ask us the purpose of all the testing that is going on at school. It may seem like the academic calendar is based around preparing for the tests and then preparing for the results of the tests to come in, and just anxiety all around for students and teachers. So we wanted to take a moment to talk about the different types of testing that may be going on and the purpose of each different type of testing.

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How Do I Make Sense of IEP or Private Testing Data?

Uncover the mystery of interpreting IEP scores! Learn the purpose and significance of Language, Cognitive, Academic, Social/Emotional, and Motor Functioning tests. Navigate the realm of Standard Scores and percentiles to understand your child's performance compared to their peers. Unlock the secrets of educational assessments with this comprehensive guide!

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I'm Concerned About a Student - Who Should Do the Testing?

Discover 8 key signs indicating it may be time to refer students for testing. Understand the benefits and drawbacks of referring to your school's evaluation team versus a local psychologist. Make informed decisions to support struggling students effectively. Access our free course for comprehensive intervention strategies!

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Parents, Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard Parents, Evaluation and Assessment Corey Pollard

The #1 Reason You Should Consider a Private Learning Evaluation

As a parent it can be so difficult to know how to support your child. Do you have the school do all of their testing? What does that testing show? How do you really know whether or not your child is on track? What if test scores don't match the brilliance and/or struggle you are seeing at home?

This month we will be diving into several of these issues as we really focus on the differences between:

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8 Key Signs That It May Be Time to Refer a Student for Testing

Uncover the 8 key signs that suggest it's time to refer a student for further testing. As an educator, learn to identify subtle indicators such as inconsistent performance, behavioral concerns, or a sense that something isn't quite right. Trust your instincts and take proactive steps to support struggling students effectively.

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Executive Functioning, Helping My Child At Home Ascend SMARTER Intervention Executive Functioning, Helping My Child At Home Ascend SMARTER Intervention

3 Tips to Decrease Temper Tantrums

We all know the feeling... Your child is having a melt down in the check out line at the store because they want you to buy their favorite candy bar for them. A refusal to this request can lead to screaming, crying, and maybe even a full blown tantrum. This can be embarrassing, stressful, and incredibly frustrating to deal with when there are so many people around!  Many parents are probably wondering, "How can I avoid this?"

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